SEGE is the first company in the Balkans that combines traditional modern technology with traditional agriculture to produce solar energy.

SEGE is subsidiary of the Rockland Group, an active investor in the solar energy production sector in 16 different countries and actively involved in the production of solar modules.

We produce electricity from solar energy with an economical, ecological, emission-free process

Demand has Quadrupled

The demand for electrical energy has quadrupled in the last 30 years. At the moment the rising trend has decreased somewhat, but will increase disproportionately after the Pandemic crisis.

Consumption will Double

A typical European 4-person household consumes between 2600-5000 kWh. That consumption is likely to double in the next few years due to electromobility and climate change.

Our Future Requires More

Huge amounts of electrical energy are required to develop one of the most important energy sources of the future, the production of blue hydrogen (from water and not from methane gas) in the electrolysis process, which will additional renewable energy capacities.

In spite of the targeted growth with its highly intensive energy consumption in the production processes, the chemical industry has also stipulated a CO2-neutral production with renewable energies (solar and wind energy) by 2050 in its climate plan.


AnimalAgriVoltaic (AAV Systems)

SEGE focuses on the conservation of the necessary land areas as grassland in its open space solar power plants. Solar power plants require large open spaces. Mostly fallow areas with poor soil quality or lack of water are used for this, on which agricultural use is unprofitable.

Our AAV AnimalAgriVoltaic Systems combines animal and agriculture to produce solar energy